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 'Thank' the OZschwitz statists: Degrees may take 26 years to pay off

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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'Thank' the OZschwitz statists: Degrees may take 26 years to pay off Vide
PostSubject: 'Thank' the OZschwitz statists: Degrees may take 26 years to pay off   'Thank' the OZschwitz statists: Degrees may take 26 years to pay off Icon_minitimeTue Jun 03, 2014 7:28 pm

University students will be forced to pay an average of double the existing fee to study at universities under the Abbott Government's proposed reforms to higher education, according to new modelling provided by Universities Australia (UA).

'Thank' the OZschwitz statists: Degrees may take 26 years to pay off Uni_students_375_1_19osfni-19osfnm

Belinda Robinson, the chief executive of UA - which represents the country's 39 universities - warns that measures in the budget threaten to encourage students to study overseas.

"We might start to see Australian students voting with their feet and in fact starting to consider international higher education providers," she told Lateline.

The UA modelling has shown that an engineering graduate working full time can "reasonably expect" to accumulate a debt of up to $119,000, which could take 26 years to pay off.

Under existing arrangements, that debt reaches less than half that - at around $49,000 - which is paid off at least eight years earlier.
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'Thank' the OZschwitz statists: Degrees may take 26 years to pay off

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