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 Jack Nicholson explains film absence and getting older

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Jack Nicholson explains film absence and getting older  Vide
PostSubject: Jack Nicholson explains film absence and getting older    Jack Nicholson explains film absence and getting older  Icon_minitimeSun Sep 15, 2013 8:41 pm

Jack Nicholson has laughed off reports suggesting his withdrawal from Hollywood is down to memory problems, and says he has a "mathematician's brain".

Jack Nicholson explains film absence and getting older  Nicholson-353-300x0

The actor, who last appeared in a film in 2010, was said to have stepped out of the spotlight because he can no longer memorise scripts.

However, Nicholson insists the speculation is completely false and maintains the only reason he isn't on the big screen is because he no longer has the desire to act.

He tells Britain's The Sun, "I have a mathematician's brain... I'm not going to work until the day I die, that's not why I started this. I mean, I'm not driven. I was driven - but I'm not, I don't have to be out there any more.

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Jack Nicholson explains film absence and getting older

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