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 NZ quake frustrations voiced through song

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NZ quake frustrations voiced through song Vide
PostSubject: NZ quake frustrations voiced through song   NZ quake frustrations voiced through song Icon_minitimeSat Sep 14, 2013 11:15 pm

A video called Bugger made by Christchurch residents angry at Cera and politicians over the city's rebuild.

A group of Christchurch residents, including musicians, mediaeval enthusiasts and the local Wizard, has banded together to make a music video to express their frustrations with the Christchurch Earthquake Recovery Authority (Cera), EQC and "politicians" post-quake.

The video for the song, Bugger, features footage of Cathedral Square, affected homes and a life-size puppet which is meant to be Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee but which could be said to look more like the head of Cera, Roger Sutton.

After more than two years, and tired of fighting insurance companies and bureaucracy for what they believe is a fair deal, the group, described as the "Buggered All Stars Chorus", hope to use the song to raise awareness around New Zealand of their situation.

As well as the use of pyrotechnics to emphasis their point, the song includes the line: "And we say bugger to Cera and politicians, bugger the minister too."

At the filming in Cathedral Square, Christchurch resident, Amanda, who turned up to sing in the video after seeing the event invitation on Facebook, said she did so because she believed it was time the rest of the country knew what was happening in Christchurch.

"The song says it all. We are ordinary Kiwis who bought our homes, and did everything right, got insurance and paid our EQC levies. We have been treated badly here and the Government has ignored us. We want to let other Kiwis know that if it can happen to us, it can happen to you, too."

A banner hung by the group outside the Christ Church Cathedral reads: "The earthquakes stopped us but inert procedures are killing us."

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NZ quake frustrations voiced through song

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