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 Man charged with drunk driving a lawnmower

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Man charged with drunk driving a lawnmower Vide
PostSubject: Man charged with drunk driving a lawnmower   Man charged with drunk driving a lawnmower Icon_minitimeTue Jan 15, 2008 1:38 am

3:09PM Tuesday January 15, 2008

A Dargaville man has been charged with driving a ride-on lawnmower while drunk.

The 52-year-old was seen by police driving through the Northland town at 9.30pm yesterday.

He was stopped and asked to get the mower off the road. The police officer then discovered the man was a disqualified driver who had been drinking.

Northland police communications officer Sarah Kennett said the man recorded a breath test of more than twice the legal limit.

The lawnmower was impounded for 28 days and the man is to appear in Dargaville District Court this week facing charges of careless driving, driving while disqualified and driving with excess breath alcohol.

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Man charged with drunk driving a lawnmower

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