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 Clive Palmer: "journalists who have got no morals or ethics"

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Clive Palmer: "journalists who have got no morals or ethics" Vide
PostSubject: Clive Palmer: "journalists who have got no morals or ethics"   Clive Palmer: "journalists who have got no morals or ethics" Icon_minitimeWed Jun 19, 2013 10:17 pm

Clive Palmer has fled a press conference on his federal election campaign after being grilled on reports of a nickel refinery closure in northern Queensland.

Clive Palmer: "journalists who have got no morals or ethics" 19june_clivepalmer_800x600-18s3c02

Mr Palmer was in Canberra to announce he would add $1 billion more to ACT health services if he is successful in the September 14 election.

But the media conference was sidetracked when a journalist from The Australian began asking questions about a letter the reporter said showed Mr Palmer would axe about 1000 Australian jobs from Queensland Nickel and other key businesses unless he received a massive cash injection he was owed from a Chinese company.

Mr Palmer was also questioned on accounts the journalist said showed the nickel refinery lost $58 million last financial year.
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Clive Palmer: "journalists who have got no morals or ethics"

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