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 Death penalty grandmother to sue British govt: charity

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Death penalty grandmother to sue British govt: charity Vide
PostSubject: Death penalty grandmother to sue British govt: charity   Death penalty grandmother to sue British govt: charity Icon_minitimeMon Jan 28, 2013 9:19 pm

British human rights charity Reprieve said on Monday that a grandmother convicted of cocaine smuggling was suing the British government for allegedly failing to support an appeal against her death sentence in Indonesia.

Death penalty grandmother to sue British govt: charity Photo13593682428541018g

A court last Tuesday sentenced Briton Lindsay Sandiford, 56, to death by firing squad for smuggling almost five kilogrammes (11 pounds) of cocaine worth $2.4 million into the resort island of Bali last May.

Sandiford stated Monday that she will appeal against the sentence, but Reprieve said on its website that she had exhausted her family's finances to pay for a trial lawyer and had no money to fund an appeal.

Reprieve said the Foreign Office, in failing to provide a lawyer, was "in breach of its obligations as a matter of EU law" to ensure Sandiford did not face the death penalty and had received a fair trial.
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Death penalty grandmother to sue British govt: charity

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