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 Mother-Daughter Pr0n Duo, Provoke Controversy

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Mother-Daughter Pr0n Duo, Provoke Controversy  Vide
PostSubject: Mother-Daughter Pr0n Duo, Provoke Controversy    Mother-Daughter Pr0n Duo, Provoke Controversy  Icon_minitimeFri Jan 18, 2013 8:34 pm

The erotic activities of a mother and daughter in Tampa, Fla., who have become an on-screen pornography duo, are pushing the boundaries of propriety and sparking a debate among some experts, even in an industry known for its taboos.

Mother-Daughter Pr0n Duo, Provoke Controversy  Rthesexxxtonlarge570

For the last year, Jessica, 56, and her 22-year-old daughter, Monica -- known as the Sexxxtons -- have been filming sex scenes with each other and non-related partners for their self-titled website. The duo, who like many in pornography do not use their last names, say that even though they will have sex with another person at the same time, they are not interacting with each other.

Their definition of sex may be strictly semantics to the average person, but it also may have legal merit, according to Randy Reep, a Florida-based criminal defense attorney who said that Florida law defines incest, in part, as penetration by one family member to another.

In addition, the right to make pornography is, for the most part, covered by the First Amendment, but the Sexxxtons still might face risks. "Being involved in pornography in the South carries certain risks," Reep told HuffPost. "It's not as liberal as in California."

But the letter of the law and the spirit of the law can be two different things, and experts such as psychiatrist Dr. Carole Lieberman believes the Sexxxtons are guilty of "emotional incest."

"Even if they're not having sex with each other, it has to be titillating to one or both of them, so it crosses the line since sexual arousal comes into the mix."

Monica defends their work and says it was her idea to start the website. "I enjoy the sex and I enjoy being with my mom," she told The Huffington Post. "During the scenes, I think about how we're going to be filthy rich."

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