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 Chinese condemn statist awards for demolishing homes, destroying tombs

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Chinese condemn statist awards for demolishing homes, destroying tombs Vide
PostSubject: Chinese condemn statist awards for demolishing homes, destroying tombs   Chinese condemn statist awards for demolishing homes, destroying tombs Icon_minitimeWed Jan 16, 2013 10:05 pm

Governments often hand out year-end bonuses to those employees who devise efficient ways to handle problems or meet goals for improving service.

Chinese condemn statist awards for demolishing homes, destroying tombs Zhejianghouse7291620x34

Last year in China local governments gave employees cash awards for demolishing family homes, flattening ancestral tombs and enforcing the nation's ''one child'' policy.

''Land acquisition, house demolition and relocation is China's biggest tool for wealth transfer,'' a news editor Shen Xiaojie wrote on the website Sina Weibo. ''This kind of award is like bandits dividing their spoils.''

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Chinese condemn statist awards for demolishing homes, destroying tombs

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