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 The good: OZschwitz photographer sues over stolen photo

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

The good: OZschwitz photographer sues over stolen photo Vide
PostSubject: The good: OZschwitz photographer sues over stolen photo   The good: OZschwitz photographer sues over stolen photo Icon_minitimeTue Jan 15, 2013 4:25 am

YOU could call it the quintessential Newcastle summer snapshot: a lone surfer walking across the rocks near Merewether beach in search of a wave.

The good: OZschwitz photographer sues over stolen photo Artfrost3620x349

In fact, it was such a good shot that the photographer, Gateshead's Naomi Frost, believes someone stole the image, printed it on thousands of T-shirts and sold them through menswear giant Lowes.

'Everybody knows that you need permission - you can't just take something off the internet and use it as your own.
Naomi Frost

Ms Frost was surprised when a friend sent her a message late last year saying they had seen the T-shirt in a Lowes TV commercial.

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The good: OZschwitz photographer sues over stolen photo

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