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 More property theft by OZschwitz pigs which attacked hard working entrepreneurs

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

More property theft by OZschwitz pigs which attacked hard working entrepreneurs Vide
PostSubject: More property theft by OZschwitz pigs which attacked hard working entrepreneurs   More property theft by OZschwitz pigs which attacked hard working entrepreneurs Icon_minitimeWed Jan 09, 2013 4:11 am

Three men have been arrested after police found a sophisticated grow house in Macgregor with up to $300,000 worth of cannabis.

Police said they found a sophisticated hydroponics set up on the upper level of a two-storey home in Dagmar Berne Street after reports of water flowing freely from the house.

“As a result of an ongoing investigation into the grow house, Criminal Investigation detectives executed a search warrant at a house in Charnwood this morning (Wednesday, January 9). Three men aged 21, 22 and 24 were arrested by police, and taken to the ACT Watch House,” police said in a statement.

“They are all expected to be charged with cultivating a traffickable quantity of cannabis for sale. Police will be opposing bail in the ACT Magistrates Court tomorrow.”
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More property theft by OZschwitz pigs which attacked hard working entrepreneurs

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