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 PR stunt alert: Prince Harry (becomes a murderer), supposedly 'kills Taliban chief'

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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PR stunt alert: Prince Harry (becomes a murderer), supposedly 'kills Taliban chief' Vide
PostSubject: PR stunt alert: Prince Harry (becomes a murderer), supposedly 'kills Taliban chief'   PR stunt alert: Prince Harry (becomes a murderer), supposedly 'kills Taliban chief' Icon_minitimeWed Dec 26, 2012 12:54 am

Prince Harry has killed a Taliban commander in Afghanistan, according to reports out of London this morning.

PR stunt alert: Prince Harry (becomes a murderer), supposedly 'kills Taliban chief' Amdf7316118deu6m18deu6r

The Sun reports that the Royal gunship co-pilot unleashed a missile strike to eliminate a senior terrorist leader in late October during a joint patrol with Afghan troops.

The 28-year-old prince, who controls the mission from the front seat of the Apache, is nicknamed Big H by his colleagues based in Helmand in Afghanistan's south-west.

"We were on patrol and the Apache helicopters were called in. We heard this posh voice come over the radio and knew it was Big H. They were tracking a Taliban leader - he was commander level," a defence insider told The Sun. "The Apache then let off some Hellfire missiles and its 30mm cannon and 'boom'. It was Big H all the way."

According to The Sun report, Prince Harry has been flying daily combat missions helping troops engaged by enemy fighters.
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PR stunt alert: Prince Harry (becomes a murderer), supposedly 'kills Taliban chief'

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