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 Nice one: Mauritanian President shot accidentally by army patrol

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Nice one:  Mauritanian President shot accidentally by army patrol Vide
PostSubject: Nice one: Mauritanian President shot accidentally by army patrol   Nice one:  Mauritanian President shot accidentally by army patrol Icon_minitimeSun Oct 14, 2012 4:20 am

Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz was lightly injured as his motorcade was accidentally fired on by an army unit, according to reports reaching in Abidjan on Saturday.

Nice one:  Mauritanian President shot accidentally by army patrol Vbkmauritaniapr1237261e

Mr Abdel Aziz is now being treated at a heavily guarded military hospital in the capital city of Nouakchott, said the hospital sources.

The country’s Communications Minister Hamdi Ould Mahjoub said on national TV that an army patrol unit failed to recognize the President’s convoy, which was heading back to the capital, and opened fired on it.
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Nice one: Mauritanian President shot accidentally by army patrol

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