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 Drunk Secret Service agent arrested in Miami after hitting cop on the chin - LOL

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Drunk Secret Service agent arrested in Miami after hitting cop on the chin - LOL Vide
PostSubject: Drunk Secret Service agent arrested in Miami after hitting cop on the chin - LOL   Drunk Secret Service agent arrested in Miami after hitting cop on the chin - LOL Icon_minitimeSat Oct 13, 2012 5:19 am

The Secret Service has another embarrassment on its hands after one of its agents was found passed out on a Miami sidewalk and arrested — just hours after President Obama left town.

Drunk Secret Service agent arrested in Miami after hitting cop on the chin - LOL Secret13n-1-web

Aaron Francis Engler was found early Friday morning by a Miami police officer who was responding to an unrelated call, CBS Miami reported.

When the officer tried to stir the sleeping Secret Service man, he allegedly got belligerent -- hitting the cop on the chin. Other officers were called to help restrain him.
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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Drunk Secret Service agent arrested in Miami after hitting cop on the chin - LOL Vide
PostSubject: Re: Drunk Secret Service agent arrested in Miami after hitting cop on the chin - LOL   Drunk Secret Service agent arrested in Miami after hitting cop on the chin - LOL Icon_minitimeSat Oct 13, 2012 5:37 pm

Nice haircut!
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Drunk Secret Service agent arrested in Miami after hitting cop on the chin - LOL

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