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 Statist filth: Egypt's top prosecutor acquitted all 24 people charged with involvement in one of the most violent episodes of the uprising last year

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Statist filth: Egypt's top prosecutor acquitted all 24 people charged with involvement in one of the most violent episodes of the uprising last year Vide
PostSubject: Statist filth: Egypt's top prosecutor acquitted all 24 people charged with involvement in one of the most violent episodes of the uprising last year   Statist filth: Egypt's top prosecutor acquitted all 24 people charged with involvement in one of the most violent episodes of the uprising last year Icon_minitimeFri Oct 12, 2012 1:04 am

Statist filth: Egypt's top prosecutor acquitted all 24 people charged with involvement in one of the most violent episodes of the uprising last year Mideast_Egypt_Camel_Battle_04c66Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi moved to dismiss the country’s general prosecutor on Thursday, ahead of a mass demonstration planned for Friday.

Activist groups and political parties called for a nationwide protest on Friday after a court acquitted all 24 people charged with involvement in one of the most violent episodes of Egypt’s uprising last year.
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Statist filth: Egypt's top prosecutor acquitted all 24 people charged with involvement in one of the most violent episodes of the uprising last year

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