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 Another donation: Masked gunmen whack U.S. embassy's security head in Yemen

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Another donation: Masked gunmen whack U.S. embassy's security head in Yemen Vide
PostSubject: Another donation: Masked gunmen whack U.S. embassy's security head in Yemen   Another donation: Masked gunmen whack U.S. embassy's security head in Yemen Icon_minitimeThu Oct 11, 2012 6:45 am

Masked gunmen shot dead a Yemeni man on his way to work at the U.S. embassy in Sanaa on Thursday, a security source said, the latest in a wave of assassinations in the Arab state where Washington is battling al Qaeda militants.

The attackers on a motorcycle opened fire on a car carrying Qassem Aqlan - who headed an embassy security team - in the center of Yemen's capital, the source told Reuters.

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