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 Gotchya pig: 2nd Detroit poLICE chief accused of sex scandal

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Gotchya pig:  2nd Detroit poLICE chief accused of sex scandal Vide
PostSubject: Gotchya pig: 2nd Detroit poLICE chief accused of sex scandal   Gotchya pig:  2nd Detroit poLICE chief accused of sex scandal Icon_minitimeWed Oct 03, 2012 8:04 pm

Detroit Mayor Dave Bing was elected to replace a scandal-plagued predecessor after promising to clamp down on crime. But following allegations of a sex scandal involving another police chief, he's having trouble stabilizing the department, let alone the streets.

Bing suspended Police Chief Ralph Godbee, 44, after a subordinate, a 37-year-old internal affairs officer, claimed the two had engaged in a sexual relationship for about a year.

The mayor hired Godbee two years ago after firing his predecessor, in part because of similar charges involving a subordinate. Bing knew at the time that Godbee previously had a romantic relationship with the same woman, a police lieutenant.

Should Bing's investigation conclude that Godbee too must go, the city would be forced to seek its fifth police chief in four years.

"He's had more people resign, fired, quit than any other mayor that I know of," Councilman Kwame Kenyatta said Wednesday. "It either says he chooses the wrong people or doesn't know how to choose the right people."

Like many police departments, Detroit's force is under severe financial constraints. The city has about 2,700 officers, down from 4,000 a decade ago.

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