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 Black House hit by cyber attack - YaY!

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Black House hit by cyber attack - YaY! Vide
PostSubject: Black House hit by cyber attack - YaY!   Black House hit by cyber attack - YaY! Icon_minitimeTue Oct 02, 2012 12:28 am

The White House has acknowledged that one of its computer networks was hit by a cyber attack, but says there is no breach of any classified systems and no indication any data was lost.

An administration official made the comment on Monday after a report from a right-wing news site that Chinese hackers had breached a key White House military system.

The US official said the attack was against "an unclassified network" and was a case of "spear phishing," in which a spoofed email tricks a user into clicking through to a website where a hacker can install malicious software or gain control of another computer.

"These types of attacks are not infrequent and we have mitigation measures in place," the official said.

"In this instance, the attack was identified, the system was isolated, and there is no indication whatsoever that any exfiltration of data took place. Moreover, there was never any impact or attempted breach of any classified system."

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