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 Good news: Colombia's Presiden has prostate cancer

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Good news: Colombia's Presiden has prostate cancer Vide
PostSubject: Good news: Colombia's Presiden has prostate cancer   Good news: Colombia's Presiden has prostate cancer Icon_minitimeMon Oct 01, 2012 10:05 pm

Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos has announced he has prostate cancer and will have surgery on Wednesday.

Good news: Colombia's Presiden has prostate cancer 6323374663232985

Mr Santos, 61, says the tumour has been detected early and estimates his chances of recovery at 97%.

The announcement comes a week before the government enters landmark peace talks with Farc rebels to try to end nearly five decades of conflict.

Mr Santos, who took office in August 2010, is the latest Latin American leader to be diagnosed with cancer.

Others have included Dilma Rousseff of Brazil, her predecessor Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, as well as former Presidents Fernando Lugo of Paraguay and Fidel Castro of Cuba.
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Good news: Colombia's Presiden has prostate cancer

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