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 Smegma for brains: Cutting Out Circumcision Could Cost Billions: Study

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Female Location : Ether-Sphere
Job/hobbies : Irrationality Exterminator
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Smegma for brains: Cutting Out Circumcision Could Cost Billions: Study Vide
PostSubject: Smegma for brains: Cutting Out Circumcision Could Cost Billions: Study   Smegma for brains: Cutting Out Circumcision Could Cost Billions: Study Icon_minitimeTue Aug 21, 2012 10:56 pm

Declines in infant male circumcision in the United States could add more than $4.4 billion in avoidable health care costs for sexually transmitted infections, experts warn in a new report.

Smegma for brains: Cutting Out Circumcision Could Cost Billions: Study Gtybabyboycircumcisionn

In a paper in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, a team of health economists and disease experts at Johns Hopkins cite the declining rates of U.S. infant male circumcision — from 79 percent in the 1970s to approximately 55 percent today — as responsible for billions of dollars spent in the U.S. on preventable infections.

The decline in circumcision rates has already cost the nation an estimated $2 billion, the researchers say, and if rates decrease to the 10 percent levels seen in Europe, this could mean an additional $4.4 billion for the nation.

From the comments:
Quote :

Using this type of logic makes removing female breast at birth in order to save money in the future seem like a great idea ? Circumcision is physical, emotional, phycological, and sexual abuse. It produces P.T.S.D. . I can prove that males who have been circumcised remember the abuse. Just take a little time to google it and try to look at the photos and listen to the screams of the babies. If you have been thru this you will have an emotional reaction. You will turn your head away so you can’t see it happen. It is a body memory. A physical memory recorded forever. The babies who don’t scream and cry go into shock !
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Smegma for brains: Cutting Out Circumcision Could Cost Billions: Study Vide
PostSubject: Re: Smegma for brains: Cutting Out Circumcision Could Cost Billions: Study   Smegma for brains: Cutting Out Circumcision Could Cost Billions: Study Icon_minitimeSat Sep 08, 2012 12:54 am

Up until this point, I thought that the dogma of "the jews control the mainstream media" was just conspiracy theory bullshit. But seeing this disturbing pro-mutilation propaganda piece, in combination with previous knowledge, I now see that theocratic jewish supremacists do indeed at least control ABC News. The two co-anchors of ABC World News are Diane Sawyer and David Muir- two jews who have used their public mouthpieces to spread anti-gun-rights propaganda ("If I only had a gun" -that was the name of a full-length primetime propaganda piece that they created, which is probably why they landed their anchor jobs). And one of the mutilation-pushers that is referenced in this news story is named Arleen Leibowitz (She didn't even get her name legally changed to conceal her motive!). By no means do I intend to imply that all jews are bad people; there are plenty of good jews who support genital integrity rights and gun rights.

Now on to the technical aspects of circumcision:
Circumcision removes the part at the very end of the foreskin, which is called the ridged band. The ridged band is the penis's main tissue of sexual sensitivity. When the ridged band is removed, then the pre-orgasmic part of sex is no longer pleasurable, and it takes longer to build up enough dopamine in the brain in order to orgasm. Also, sex must become rougher in order to provide enough stimulation.

Spread the word. People should know these things.
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Female Location : Ether-Sphere
Job/hobbies : Irrationality Exterminator
Humor : Über Serious

Smegma for brains: Cutting Out Circumcision Could Cost Billions: Study Vide
PostSubject: Re: Smegma for brains: Cutting Out Circumcision Could Cost Billions: Study   Smegma for brains: Cutting Out Circumcision Could Cost Billions: Study Icon_minitimeSat Sep 08, 2012 1:19 am

Quote :
then the pre-orgasmic part of sex is no longer pleasurable

I doubt that... just ask a few circumcised guys...

Quote :
and it takes longer to build up enough dopamine in the brain in order to orgasm. Also, sex must become rougher in order to provide enough stimulation

The first part of the quote will depend on the individual's natural predisposition/nature and the usual cycle for arousal/horniness, irrespective of the state of one's organ.
Also, to the best of my knowledge, there's no evidence that circumcised men engage in rougher sex, compared to their, uncircumcised 'brothers.' While some sensitivity is lost, the body does adjust to it...
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Smegma for brains: Cutting Out Circumcision Could Cost Billions: Study Vide
PostSubject: Re: Smegma for brains: Cutting Out Circumcision Could Cost Billions: Study   Smegma for brains: Cutting Out Circumcision Could Cost Billions: Study Icon_minitime

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