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 Sheriff: Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter

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Sheriff: Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter Vide
PostSubject: Sheriff: Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter   Sheriff: Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter Icon_minitimeMon Jun 11, 2012 2:15 pm

It's great to see people taking justice into their own hands and not being punished for it. Here's the article below:

A Texas father caught a man sexually assaulting his 4-year-old daughter and punched him in the head repeatedly, killing him, authorities said.

The father was casually acquainted with the alleged abuser, said Lavaca County Sheriff Micah Harmon.

Neither has been publicly identified.

The girl was left inside the family's house during the social gathering, while other members of her family were tending to horses, the sheriff said.

The alleged abuser was known for his horse-grooming abilities, Harmon said.

The father returned to the house, caught the man in the act, and stopped him by striking him in the head several times, Harmon said.

The man was pronounced dead on the scene, while the daughter was taken to a local hospital in Victoria, Texas, for examinations before being released.

The incident took place Saturday.

Harmon described the girl as "OK besides the obvious mental trauma."

Asked whether they would press charges against the father, the sheriff responded, "You have a right to defend your daughter. He acted in defense of his third person. Once the investigation is completed we will submit it to the district attorney who then submits it to the grand jury, who will decide if they will indict him."

Harmon described the dad as "very remorseful," adding that he didn't know the man was going to die.

Authorities were withholding the deceased man's name while they notified next of kin. Officials did not know immediately if he has a prior criminal history.
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Female Location : Ether-Sphere
Job/hobbies : Irrationality Exterminator
Humor : Über Serious

Sheriff: Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sheriff: Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter   Sheriff: Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter Icon_minitimeMon Jun 11, 2012 4:57 pm


Outsiders such as yourself, have no idea, as to what really happened.

As for:
Quote :
father caught a man sexually assaulting his 4-year-old daughter

Well that's clearly false, since further in the article it states:

Quote :
Harmon described the girl as "OK besides the obvious mental trauma."

In other words, seems there was no violence, no force used.

The essence of sex is just pleasurable skin-rubbing.

That you would condone murder, because of skin-rubbing is frigging insane!

But it just goes to show, how brainwashed you really are.

And as for:

Quote :
mental trauma

First, I doubt there's any to begin with, but if there is, I'd wager it was caused by all the others freaking out over nothing, as well as her irrational father, who murdered the man, probably right in front of her.

Because of your conceptual corruption re the issue, if the system were to define taking a child for a walk in the park, as an assault against the child, you'd be out there condoning murder again, if you read in the papers, that some neighbor, took a kid for a walk in the park... and which would be insane on the face of it!

As they say in philosophy, 'check your premises.' That way, you might stop making idiotic statements such as:
Quote :

It's great to see people taking justice into their own hands and not being punished for it.

You seem not to understand the concept, whatsoever.

Even the father of the girl is deeply remorseful, knowing full well, that what he just did, was wrong and immoral.

But hey, not you, you clueless schmuck, to you... it's justice!

Oh man
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Sheriff: Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sheriff: Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter   Sheriff: Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter Icon_minitimeTue Jun 12, 2012 9:25 pm

We have different ideas of what murder is. No one was murdered here. If someone were murdered, the man would be going to trial. The sheriff said, "You have a right to defend your daughter. He acted in defense of his third person."

The dictionary uses "rape" as one of the definitions for "assault" so I would argue that he did indeed assault her.
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Female Location : Ether-Sphere
Job/hobbies : Irrationality Exterminator
Humor : Über Serious

Sheriff: Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sheriff: Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter   Sheriff: Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter Icon_minitimeTue Jun 12, 2012 10:07 pm


Nobody raped her!!!

There was no damage!!!

She was immediately released from hospital!!!

No 'penetration' actually took place!!!

There was a murder and in a moral society, that idiot would be exterminated forthwith.

And fuck what the statist sheriff said. There's nothing to 'defend!' She was NOT under 'attack!'

There was no rape! Rape includes violence and/or force. None of which took place.

There were a lot of people at that get-together. Yet nobody heard any cries, screams, shouting, calls for assistance or otherwise, clearly suggesting that whatever took place, was in fact consensual...

Deal with it!
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Sheriff: Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sheriff: Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter   Sheriff: Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter Icon_minitimeTue Jun 12, 2012 10:47 pm

CovOps wrote:

Nobody raped her!!!

There was no damage!!!

She was immediately released from hospital!!!

No 'penetration' actually took place!!!

There was a murder and in a moral society, that idiot would be exterminated forthwith.

And fuck what the statist sheriff said. There's nothing to 'defend!' She was NOT under 'attack!'

There was no rape! Rape includes violence and/or force. None of which took place.

There were a lot of people at that get-together. Yet nobody heard any cries, screams, shouting, calls for assistance or otherwise, clearly suggesting that whatever took place, was in fact consensual...

Deal with it!

You weren't there. You have no idea whether it was consensual or not. Child molesters threaten their victims and make sure they are so scared they don't tell anyone or make any noise. Most adults don't even report sexual assault. 4 year olds can't consent either. Children who still live under their parents' roof are subject to their law as long as there is no violence committed against them. Any logical person would come to that conclusion.
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Female Location : Ether-Sphere
Job/hobbies : Irrationality Exterminator
Humor : Über Serious

Sheriff: Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter Vide
PostSubject: Re: Sheriff: Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter   Sheriff: Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter Icon_minitimeTue Jun 12, 2012 11:53 pm

Quote :
You weren't there. You have no idea whether it was consensual or not.
Too bad for you, that all the circumstantial evidence points to me being correct though...
Quote :

Child molesters threaten their victims and make sure they are so scared they don't tell anyone or make any noise.
Oh, and you know this for a fact, do you? All of them? And you also know that in this particular case, that kind of modus operandi was also used, right? How exactly do you know all that? I'd suggest that if any threats were made to her (with all the other people present around the place) given her age, she would probably start crying involuntary out of fear and which would in turn bring others in to investigate.

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Most adults don't even report sexual assault.
Huh? What's that got to do with anything? (The price of tea in China is also up...)

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4 year olds can't consent either.
Sure they can, your claim is absurd on the face of it.
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Children who still live under their parents' roof are subject to their law as long as there is no violence committed against them. Any logical person would come to that conclusion.

Despite you mouthing off conservative rhetoric, parents do not have a moral right, to use their property, in order to violate the individual rights of their children. Those that do, should be dealt with accordingly. Your problem is, that you do not respect children as sovereign individuals, nor their individual rights nor their opinions and nor their choices. Your attitude is more like a master/slave type relationship. Typical conservative. Fucking outrageous!
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