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 YaY! Army sued on gay hate scandal

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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YaY! Army sued on gay hate scandal Vide
PostSubject: YaY! Army sued on gay hate scandal   YaY! Army sued on gay hate scandal Icon_minitimeSat May 12, 2012 7:32 pm

VICTIMS of a Facebook hate page that exposed and threatened gay members of the Australian military have launched legal action over the army's handling of the scandal.

YaY! Army sued on gay hate scandal Art353golding2200x0

At the same time, Defence Minister Stephen Smith has confirmed that ''a small number of allegations of assault against gay or lesbian personnel'' are included in a report on complaints of abuse in the Australian Defence Force.

Australia has allowed gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military since 1992, but an ADF advocate for gay rights, Stuart O'Brien, told The Sunday Age that recruits were still concerned about declaring their homosexuality.

Five ADF personnel, including army psychologist Paul Morgan, were outed on a Facebook page in 2010 for making a ''filthy lifestyle decision''.

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YaY! Army sued on gay hate scandal

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