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 OZschwitz statist gets what's coming to him: Paint stripper car attacker to repay $90K

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz statist gets what's coming to him: Paint stripper car attacker to repay $90K Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz statist gets what's coming to him: Paint stripper car attacker to repay $90K   OZschwitz statist gets what's coming to him: Paint stripper car attacker to repay $90K Icon_minitimeSat May 12, 2012 7:31 pm

A Perth public servant who used a paint stripper filled syringes to defile 151 luxury cars will repay almost $90,000 in damages.

Gilles Regis Gaudet appeared briefly in Perth Magistrates Court today on 151 charges of willful damage to which he has pleaded guilty.

During an 11-month period from December 2010 to October 2011 Mr Gaudet damaged the cars with the hope he could prevent his father getting into a car accident by getting cars off the road.

Mr Gaudet has agreed to repay his victims individually, and asked permission to send a letter of apology with the damages cheque.

He will be sentenced on June 6.
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OZschwitz statist gets what's coming to him: Paint stripper car attacker to repay $90K

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