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 Town declares Spain's hunting king 'persona non grata' - YaY!

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Town declares Spain's hunting king 'persona non grata' - YaY! Vide
PostSubject: Town declares Spain's hunting king 'persona non grata' - YaY!   Town declares Spain's hunting king 'persona non grata' - YaY! Icon_minitimeMon May 07, 2012 5:01 am

A north-eastern town has declared the king of Spain an unwelcome person, dealing another blow to the 74-year-old monarch who has faced scalding criticism for going on an elephant hunting trip during a severe financial crisis.

Town declares Spain's hunting king 'persona non grata' - YaY! Ipadindex2x2a720spanish

The town council of Berga, population 17,160, in Catalonia, approved a symbolic motion proposed by the pro-Catalan independence Popular Unity Candidature party declaring King Juan Carlos ''persona non grata''.

The king has faced condemnation after breaking a hip while on a lavish safari in southern Africa at a time when nearly one in four Spaniards are unemployed and the economy enters its second recession in three years.

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Town declares Spain's hunting king 'persona non grata' - YaY!

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