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 Delightful: Two UK soldiers killed in Afghanistan

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Delightful: Two UK soldiers killed in Afghanistan  Vide
PostSubject: Delightful: Two UK soldiers killed in Afghanistan    Delightful: Two UK soldiers killed in Afghanistan  Icon_minitimeFri May 04, 2012 5:44 pm

Two British soldiers have been killed in a mortar attack on their base in southern Afghanistan, Britain's defence ministry says.

The Ministry of Defence said the soldiers were serving with the Royal Logistic Corps, attached to 1st Battalion The Royal Welsh Battlegroup, in Helmand province.

They were killed in an "indirect fire attack" on Forward Operating Base Ouellette in the northern part of Nahr-e Saraj district, the defence ministry said.

It did not name the soldiers but said their next of kin have been informed.

The deaths brings to 412 the number of British forces who have been killed while serving in Afghanistan since the start of the war in October 2001.
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Delightful: Two UK soldiers killed in Afghanistan

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