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 SURPRIIIISE!: US special forces help in hunt for Kony

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SURPRIIIISE!: US special forces help in hunt for Kony  Vide
PostSubject: SURPRIIIISE!: US special forces help in hunt for Kony    SURPRIIIISE!: US special forces help in hunt for Kony  Icon_minitimeMon Apr 30, 2012 5:13 am

OBO, Central African Republic - Deep in the jungle, this small, remote Central African village is farther from the coast than any point on the continent. It's also where three international armies have zeroed in on Joseph Kony, one of the world's most wanted warlords.

Obo was the first place in the Central African Republic Kony's Lord's Resistance Army attacked in 2008. Today, it's one of four forward operating locations where U.S. special forces have paired up with local troops and Ugandan soldiers to seek out Kony. For seven years he has been wanted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
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