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 OZschwitz Neo-Nazi music festival to go ahead

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

OZschwitz Neo-Nazi music festival to go ahead  Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz Neo-Nazi music festival to go ahead    OZschwitz Neo-Nazi music festival to go ahead  Icon_minitimeMon Apr 16, 2012 5:59 pm

Queensland Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie has maintained the stance of his Labor predecessor concerning a major white-pride event to be held in Brisbane this weekend.

The Hammered music festival is expected to draw white supremacists from Australia and overseas to a secret location in the city on Saturday.

Mr Bleijie said while he was “disgusted” by the event, banning it was out of the question in the interests of free speech.
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“While the government does not condone neo-Nazi or extremist beliefs, it is not illegal to hold an event such as this,” Mr Bleijie told

“The Queensland government will not ban this festival, but any attendees who incite or commit violence or racism will be dealt with by the police.”

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OZschwitz Neo-Nazi music festival to go ahead

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