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 AnCaps Good News: Ukraine taking OZschwitz to the World Trade Organisation over its plain packaging of tobacco laws

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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AnCaps Good News: Ukraine taking OZschwitz to the World Trade Organisation over its plain packaging of tobacco laws Vide
PostSubject: AnCaps Good News: Ukraine taking OZschwitz to the World Trade Organisation over its plain packaging of tobacco laws   AnCaps Good News: Ukraine taking OZschwitz to the World Trade Organisation over its plain packaging of tobacco laws Icon_minitimeTue Mar 27, 2012 4:00 am

Ukraine is taking Australia to the World Trade Organisation over its plain packaging of tobacco laws although it has not traded any tobacco with Australia since at least 2005, a Ukrainian government insider has revealed.

Konstantin Krasovsky, the head of the Tobacco Control Unit in the Institute for Strategic Research in the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, said the decision was made in secret within the Ministry of Economics, despite the Ukrainian President attempting to crack down on the tobacco industry.

Dr Krasovsky, who attended the World Conference on Tobacco or Health in Singapore last week, told the Herald: ''There is no economic interest whatsoever … no one in Ukraine will suffer from Australian plain packaging''.

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AnCaps Good News: Ukraine taking OZschwitz to the World Trade Organisation over its plain packaging of tobacco laws

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