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 Beat it, UK punk: Tory Peter Cruddas quits after donor access claims

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Beat it, UK punk: Tory Peter Cruddas quits after donor access claims Vide
PostSubject: Beat it, UK punk: Tory Peter Cruddas quits after donor access claims   Beat it, UK punk: Tory Peter Cruddas quits after donor access claims Icon_minitimeSun Mar 25, 2012 5:24 am

Conservative Party co-treasurer Peter Cruddas has resigned after secretly filmed footage showed him apparently offering access to the prime minister for a donation of £250,000 a year.

Beat it, UK punk: Tory Peter Cruddas quits after donor access claims 59287887jex1360484de151

He made the claim to Sunday Times reporters posing as potential donors.

He said £250,000 gave "premier league" access, including dinner with David Cameron and possibly the chance to influence government policy.
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Beat it, UK punk: Tory Peter Cruddas quits after donor access claims

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