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 Go statists: Assad’s wife may be stripped of UK citizenship

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Go statists: Assad’s wife may be stripped of UK citizenship Vide
PostSubject: Go statists: Assad’s wife may be stripped of UK citizenship   Go statists: Assad’s wife may be stripped of UK citizenship Icon_minitimeSat Mar 24, 2012 6:11 am

Syria's British-born first lady could lose her British citizenship, following the EU’s new raft of sanctions on the Assad family: freezing all of their assets in Europe and banning the members of the family from traveling to EU countries as well.

Go statists: Assad’s wife may be stripped of UK citizenship Asmabasharpresidentalas

­Asma Assad, 36, Born Asma Akhras to a prominent Syrian family living in Britain, has dual British-Syrian citizenship, so the British Foreign Secretary and First Secretary of State William Hague had to state earlier that Asma Assad still has the right to enter Great Britain – despite the EU sanctions.

British immigration legislation has the means to strip a person of their British citizenship in case the individual “constitutes a danger” to British society – which is definitely not the case with Asma Assad. That is why Britain’s Ministry of Interior is preparing a plan how to act if Mrs. Assad decides to visit her motherland, The Daily Telegraph reports.

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