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 Mali president's whereabouts unknown after coup; Let's hope he got whacked

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Mali president's whereabouts unknown after coup; Let's hope he got whacked Vide
PostSubject: Mali president's whereabouts unknown after coup; Let's hope he got whacked   Mali president's whereabouts unknown after coup; Let's hope he got whacked Icon_minitimeFri Mar 23, 2012 6:36 am

Coup leaders in Mali would not give details on the whereabouts of the democratically elected president more than a day after they stormed his compound and took power.

The streets of the capital, Bamako, were calm Friday.

Late Thursday, the coup leader said President Amadou Toumani Toure was "well and is safe," but did not say if he is being held by the putschists. Rumors that he was at a military camp protected by his presidential guard could not be confirmed.

Toure was to step down next month. Soldiers angry over his handling of an insurgency in the country's north stormed the palace on Wednesday. Toure has not been heard from since.

Toure is himself a soldier who came to power in a 1991 coup. He was hailed for handing power to civilians. He won the democratic election in 2002.
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Mali president's whereabouts unknown after coup; Let's hope he got whacked

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