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 'Model citizen': San Francisco sheriff gets 1 day in jail, probation in spouse-abuse case

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'Model citizen':  San Francisco sheriff gets 1 day in jail, probation in spouse-abuse case Vide
PostSubject: 'Model citizen': San Francisco sheriff gets 1 day in jail, probation in spouse-abuse case   'Model citizen':  San Francisco sheriff gets 1 day in jail, probation in spouse-abuse case Icon_minitimeMon Mar 19, 2012 9:07 pm

San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi, who pleaded guilty last week to falsely imprisoning his wife, was sentenced on Monday to one day in jail and three years probation, making a tearful apology outside of court.

Mirkarimi, who was sentenced as part of a plea agreement with prosecutors that allows him to keep his post and his gun, was also ordered to undergo domestic counseling and perform 100 hours of community service.

The sheriff has already served his single day in jail.

"I deeply and humbly apologize for my behavior and the pain that it has caused. It should not have happened. There's no excuse for it and I accept full responsibility," Mirkarimi said outside of court, wiping away tears.
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'Model citizen': San Francisco sheriff gets 1 day in jail, probation in spouse-abuse case

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