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 Good stuff: Former Nazi death camp guard dies

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Good stuff: Former Nazi death camp guard dies  Vide
PostSubject: Good stuff: Former Nazi death camp guard dies    Good stuff: Former Nazi death camp guard dies  Icon_minitimeSat Mar 17, 2012 6:13 pm

German police say John Demjanjuk, who was convicted last year of serving as a Nazi death camp guard, has died.

Good stuff: Former Nazi death camp guard dies  Nazi169408x264

Rosenheim police official Kilian Steger told The Associated Press that the 91-year-old died on Saturday at a home for the elderly in southern Germany where he has been staying since his trial ended in Munich last year.

Demjanjuk had been released pending an appeal in a federal court, which had yet to take place.

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