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 Statist insanity continues: France’s presidential campaign has turned into a race to tax the most

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Statist insanity continues: France’s presidential campaign has turned into a race to tax the most  Vide
PostSubject: Statist insanity continues: France’s presidential campaign has turned into a race to tax the most    Statist insanity continues: France’s presidential campaign has turned into a race to tax the most  Icon_minitimeThu Mar 15, 2012 3:58 am

France’s presidential campaign has turned into a race to tax the most.

Statist insanity continues: France’s presidential campaign has turned into a race to tax the most  It9jgwrlurq

On Feb. 27, Socialist frontrunner Francois Hollande said he plans a 75 percent levy on income over 1 million euros ($1.31 million) on top of his pledge to raise the wealth tax and eliminate exemptions for overtime work. President Nicolas Sarkozy followed with a proposed tax on the worldwide revenue of large French companies and this week a levy on fiscal exiles. Both candidates want to impose a fee on financial transactions.

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Statist insanity continues: France’s presidential campaign has turned into a race to tax the most

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