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 Worm steals 45,000 Facebook passwords, researchers say

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Worm steals 45,000 Facebook passwords, researchers say Vide
PostSubject: Worm steals 45,000 Facebook passwords, researchers say   Worm steals 45,000 Facebook passwords, researchers say Icon_minitimeFri Jan 06, 2012 8:08 pm

A computer worm has stolen 45,000 login credentials from Facebook, security experts have warned.

The data is believed to have been taken largely from Facebook accounts in the UK and France, according to security firm Seculert.

The culprit is a well-known piece of malware - dubbed Ramnit - which has been around since April 2010 and has previously stolen banking details.

Facebook told the BBC that it was looking into the issue.

The latest iteration of the worm was discovered in Seculert's labs.

"We suspect that the attackers behind Ramnit are using the stolen credentials to login to victims' Facebook accounts and to transmit malicious links to their friends, thereby magnifying the malware's spread even further," said the researchers on the firm's blog.

"In addition, cybercriminals are taking advantage of the fact that users tend to use the same password in various web-based services to gain remote access to corporate networks," it added.
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Worm steals 45,000 Facebook passwords, researchers say

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