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 Absurd culture: Mail order catalogues has apologized after users noticed a naked man in the background of a photo

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Absurd culture: Mail order catalogues has apologized after users noticed a naked man in the background of a photo Vide
PostSubject: Absurd culture: Mail order catalogues has apologized after users noticed a naked man in the background of a photo   Absurd culture: Mail order catalogues has apologized after users noticed a naked man in the background of a photo Icon_minitimeThu Jan 05, 2012 11:43 pm

One of France's best-known mail order catalogues has apologised after web users noticed a naked man in the background of an advertising photo published on the children's section of its website.

Absurd culture: Mail order catalogues has apologized after users noticed a naked man in the background of a photo Art_La_redoute-420x0

The photo of four young children with their arms around each other running on the beach while a naked man walked serenely through the sea behind them was removed from the site Wednesday but has since gone viral on the internet.

"La Redoute has withdrawn the photo in question from its website, it has posted apologies on Facebook and Twitter," an unnamed spokeswoman told AFP.

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Absurd culture: Mail order catalogues has apologized after users noticed a naked man in the background of a photo

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