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 Privately-funded science university plan

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Privately-funded science university plan Vide
PostSubject: Privately-funded science university plan   Privately-funded science university plan Icon_minitimeWed Jan 04, 2012 4:39 am

A new type of privately-funded science and technology university is to be announced by the universities minister.

Privately-funded science university plan 576790100090392081

The graduate institution, intended to promote cutting edge science research, could be set up with international partners and funded by business, David Willetts will say on Wednesday.

It follows a similar initiative in New York, where leading universities were invited to set up a research campus.

"With ingenuity we can grow our research base," Mr Willetts will say.

In a speech on Wednesday morning, Mr Willetts will set out plans for an advanced science research centre, to be created against a background of increasing globalisation and international competition in higher education.
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