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 First of Nasa's Grail gravity twins enters Moon orbit

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

First of Nasa's Grail gravity twins enters Moon orbit Vide
PostSubject: First of Nasa's Grail gravity twins enters Moon orbit   First of Nasa's Grail gravity twins enters Moon orbit Icon_minitimeSun Jan 01, 2012 4:41 am

Nasa has succeeded in putting the first of two gravity mapping satellites in orbit around the Moon.

First of Nasa's Grail gravity twins enters Moon orbit _57621202_grailimage-sm

The Grail-A spacecraft fired its main engine late on Saturday (GMT) to slow itself sufficiently to take up an elliptical path around the lunar body.

Its twin, Grail-B, will attempt exactly the same manoeuvre on Sunday.

Together, the satellites will make measurements that are expected to give scientists remarkable new insights into the internal structure of the Moon.

This new data should clarify ideas about the Moon's formation and resolve many questions, such as why its near and far sides look so different.

Lead scientist Dr Maria Zuber is hoping for some dramatic discoveries.
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First of Nasa's Grail gravity twins enters Moon orbit

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