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 Steamy performance lands latest Thai pop sensation in undeserved hot water

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Steamy performance lands latest Thai pop sensation in undeserved hot water Vide
PostSubject: Steamy performance lands latest Thai pop sensation in undeserved hot water   Steamy performance lands latest Thai pop sensation in undeserved hot water Icon_minitimeTue Oct 04, 2011 3:11 am

BANGKOK: At last Thai people have something to talk about other than divisive politics or street protests.

Steamy performance lands latest Thai pop sensation in undeserved hot water 1_vd0nongja-408x264

She is Nong Ja, a 20-year-old student whose song about an itchy ear has taken the country by storm, attracting a staggering 16 million hits on YouTube, along with 100,000 ''likes'' on her Facebook page.

Ms Ja is Thailand's hottest act at the moment. Her photo has been on the front pages of newspapers, television stations flood her with invitations, and she has stage appearance bookings well into 2012.

But Ms Ja's performances have outraged social conservatives in the predominantly Buddhist nation and prompted many complaints to the Ministry of Culture, which is considering the matter.
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Steamy performance lands latest Thai pop sensation in undeserved hot water

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