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 2 protesters killed amid calls for Syria President Assad's death which ANCAPS fully endorse

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2 protesters killed amid calls for Syria President Assad's death which ANCAPS fully endorse Vide
PostSubject: 2 protesters killed amid calls for Syria President Assad's death which ANCAPS fully endorse   2 protesters killed amid calls for Syria President Assad's death which ANCAPS fully endorse Icon_minitimeTue Sep 06, 2011 4:24 am

Syrian security forces kill two during protests by hundreds of people in several cities on the last Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. The demand for Assad's death shows mounting anger among activists.

2 protesters killed amid calls for Syria President Assad's death which ANCAPS fully endorse 27347772026083320,0,6265042.story
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2 protesters killed amid calls for Syria President Assad's death which ANCAPS fully endorse

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