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 Thanks to environmentalists: Grizzly kills yet another hiker at Yellowstone

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Thanks to environmentalists: Grizzly kills yet another hiker at Yellowstone  Vide
PostSubject: Thanks to environmentalists: Grizzly kills yet another hiker at Yellowstone    Thanks to environmentalists: Grizzly kills yet another hiker at Yellowstone  Icon_minitimeWed Aug 31, 2011 5:44 am

A grizzly bear has killed a hiker in the second fatal bear attack at Yellowstone National Park since last month.

The body of John Wallace, 59, was discovered on Friday in a backcountry area known for its high population of bears.

An autopsy concluded he died from injuries sustained in a bear attack.

After the fatal mauling last month - the first inside the increasingly crowded park in 25 years - authorities let the responsible grizzly go because it was protecting its cubs.

This time, rangers have set traps with the intent to capture and kill the bear that attacked Mr Wallace.

Its guilt would be established through DNA analysis connecting it to evidence found at the mauling scene, park officials said.
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Thanks to environmentalists: Grizzly kills yet another hiker at Yellowstone

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