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 Fucking Neanderthals Strengthened Modern Humans' Immune System: Study

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Fucking Neanderthals Strengthened Modern Humans' Immune System: Study Vide
PostSubject: Fucking Neanderthals Strengthened Modern Humans' Immune System: Study   Fucking Neanderthals Strengthened Modern Humans' Immune System: Study Icon_minitimeFri Aug 26, 2011 5:44 am

According to a latest study, modern humans got key immune system genes that help them fight illness and disease through sexual encounters with archaic relatives like Neanderthals.

Fucking Neanderthals Strengthened Modern Humans' Immune System: Study 133508neanderthalmuseum

So fuck your relatives for the benefit of future generations...
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Fucking Neanderthals Strengthened Modern Humans' Immune System: Study

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