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 Thanx to stupid environmentalists, ravenous wolves return to France

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Thanx to stupid environmentalists, ravenous wolves return to France Vide
PostSubject: Thanx to stupid environmentalists, ravenous wolves return to France   Thanx to stupid environmentalists, ravenous wolves return to France Icon_minitimeMon Aug 01, 2011 4:07 am

A bloody, stinking sheep's carcass greets shepherd Yves Vignon as he walks to check on his flock on the foggy Alpine heights. It's the 17th of his ewes to be savaged in a month.

Thanx to stupid environmentalists, ravenous wolves return to France Ipad-art-wide-wolves-420x0

The mountains over Grenoble were once an ideal grazing ground for his 900 sheep. But now, after long banishment, the wolves are back - bolder and hungrier than ever.

"We came to this spot on June 24. A week later we were attacked" by wolves, Vignon, 62, said. It was the first of at least four attacks over the past month.
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"Every morning when I get up, I wonder what I am going to find on the spot where the sheep have spent the night," he says. "I'm not here to feed those wolves!"
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Thanx to stupid environmentalists, ravenous wolves return to France

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