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 No tweets allowed at the lowlife Royal Wedding circus

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
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No tweets allowed at the lowlife Royal Wedding circus Vide
PostSubject: No tweets allowed at the lowlife Royal Wedding circus   No tweets allowed at the lowlife Royal Wedding circus Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2011 9:26 pm

Any 140-character loving guests attending the April 29 wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton will be sorely disappointed, as signal-blocking technology will be installed at Westminster Abbey to nix mobile phone use.

According to Yahoo, the idea was suggested by members of the royal family and confirmed by police and security. They hope nixing phones and tweeting will cut down on news photos and videos featuring mobile phone-toting guests, distracting ringtones and info about the wedding getting out ahead of the ceremony.

The absence of Twitter at the actual event doesn't mean the web will go silent, obviously - in fact, talk of the Royal Wedding is accelerating rapidly on Facebook and Twitter.

And, hey, at least no one will be fired during the event - a Buckingham Palace guard was already dismissed from his royal wedding day duties after calling the bride-to-be a “stuck up cow” and “posh bitch” on Facebook. is the world's largest blog focused exclusively on social media news.

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No tweets allowed at the lowlife Royal Wedding circus

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