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 OZschwitz: The useless solar panel industry pleads for help

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
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OZschwitz: The useless solar panel industry pleads for help  Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz: The useless solar panel industry pleads for help    OZschwitz: The useless solar panel industry pleads for help  Icon_minitimeMon Apr 25, 2011 4:24 am

COMPANIES that install rooftop solar panels have warned the federal government the industry is on the verge of collapse because of a slump in the value of renewable energy certificates.

The industry is calling for certainty so it can offer the panels at a set cost, not one that depends on the wilting price of the small-scale technology certificates.

As the price of certificates falls, so do the rebates that keep down the consumer's cost. In January it was $37; now it is $31.

One installer, West Coast Solar, said a flood of cheap certificates for small-scale renewable energy projects was forcing it to turn away customers who had already paid deposits.

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OZschwitz: The useless solar panel industry pleads for help

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