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 Millions of galaxies, stars, asteroids released in new NASA photos

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Millions of galaxies, stars, asteroids released in new NASA photos Vide
PostSubject: Millions of galaxies, stars, asteroids released in new NASA photos   Millions of galaxies, stars, asteroids released in new NASA photos Icon_minitimeTue Apr 19, 2011 7:26 am

The first bundle of data from NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission has been released giving viewers across the Internet a chance to see hundreds of millions of galaxies, stars, and asteroids.

According to the NASA website, WISE launched into space on Dec. 14, 2009 on a mission to map the entire sky in infrared light with greatly improved sensitivity and resolution.

It reportedly scanned the skies about one-and-a-half times while collecting images and took more than 2.7 million images over the course of its mission, capturing objects ranging from faraway galaxies to asteroids relatively close to Earth.

After the release of the data, the mission's principal investigator said he expects many surprises.

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Millions of galaxies, stars, asteroids released in new NASA photos

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