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 Themed superyacht concept features fully functional ‘Monaco Grand Prix’ go kart circuit

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Themed superyacht concept features fully functional ‘Monaco Grand Prix’ go kart circuit Vide
PostSubject: Themed superyacht concept features fully functional ‘Monaco Grand Prix’ go kart circuit   Themed superyacht concept features fully functional ‘Monaco Grand Prix’ go kart circuit Icon_minitimeTue Feb 15, 2011 1:06 am

Themed superyacht concept features fully functional ‘Monaco Grand Prix’ go kart circuit Monacothemedyacht

If you want a superyacht that really stands out at the next annual billionaires meeting then why not give it a theme? Yacht Island Design thinks there’s a market for such vessels and has set about developing several themed yacht concepts. The first is "The Streets of Monaco," a 155 m (508.5 ft) long yacht that looks to “reflect the style and sophistication of the principality” and includes a fully functional go kart circuit that recreates the famous Monaco Grand Prix circuit along with other Monaco landmarks.

"The Streets of Monaco" is based on the SWATH (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) platform, which is a hull form used for vessels that require a ship of a certain size to handle in rough seas as well as a much larger vessel. This platform also offers wide beam length for its length to allow for as much Monaco-themed goodness as possible. The yacht would be built predominantly from steel with aluminum in the superstructure. Using diesel electric propulsion it would transport its 70 crew and 16 guests (which seems like a recipe for mutiny to me) at a maximum speed of 15 knots.

The Monaco-themed yacht centers around three main communal areas: The Streets of Monaco, The Oasis and The Grand Atrium.
Streets of Monaco

As you might guess, the Streets of Monaco area is where you'll find the scaled down Monaco Grand Prix circuit, whose route takes in other Monaco locations such as The Casino, Hotel de Paris, Café de Paris, La Rascasse and the Loews hotel. The roof of the Loews hotel extends to the bow on the upper deck in the "Casino Square" area, which also features a large glass bottomed fountain in the garden setting. Here you’ll also find a small swimming pool, large jacuzzi and sun decks with BBQ facilities.

The main swimming pool with a maximum depth of 3 m (9.8 ft) and incorporating a swim-in jacuzzi/bar, represents the Port Hercule harbor and can be found aft along with a multi-use court that can be configured for a variety of activities including tennis and basketball, or used as a heli-pad.

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Themed superyacht concept features fully functional ‘Monaco Grand Prix’ go kart circuit

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