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 Smart phones redefine warfare

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Smart phones redefine warfare Vide
PostSubject: Smart phones redefine warfare   Smart phones redefine warfare Icon_minitimeWed Feb 02, 2011 3:42 am

The Army is mobilizing — in a 21st-century kind of way.

Soldiers armed with smart phones are finding new ways to fight and subsequently redefining the battlefield. They can share intelligence and translate languages with what amounts basically to the common cell phone.

“This isn’t the future. This is now,” said Lt. Col. Greg Motes of the Army Signal Center at Fort Gordon, Ga.

Controlling fighter jets, tanks, missiles and machine guns is another way to use the devices, Col. Motes said. Smart phones also could be used for facial recognition to spot enemies and fingerprinting to identify prisoners.

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Smart phones redefine warfare

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