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 Socialized America: Gluttonous Hogs Suckling At The Teat of Government

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Socialized America: Gluttonous Hogs Suckling At The Teat of Government Vide
PostSubject: Socialized America: Gluttonous Hogs Suckling At The Teat of Government   Socialized America: Gluttonous Hogs Suckling At The Teat of Government Icon_minitimeMon Jan 03, 2011 10:10 pm

“Human societies come under the influence of great tides of thought and appetite that run unseen deeply below the surface of society. After a while these powerful streams of opinion and desire move the whole social mass along with them without the individuals in the mass being aware of the direction in which they are going.” --John T. Flynn, The Road Ahead

My father did not give me much advice as a child, but he did tell me that nothing comes for free in this world, they all have strings attached. Sometimes we must learn our lessons the hard way and that is what experience is all about. We should learn from our mistakes and learn from history. I am by no means heartless and people who are suffering in this economy should be helped by their friends and neighbors. Yet there are so many narcissistic people absorbed in their own lives that they can step over someone dying on the street without care. Our government has no soul it is merely a machine that runs everything through the cost-benefit analysis filter. It has the power to give and at the same time take away everything you have.

"In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: 'If you don't work you die.'" --Rudyard Kipling
Most Americans would never consider themselves or their country as socialist. In the same breath they are waiting for the 'social' security, disability, unemployment, welfare, woman infants and children checks. I am sure you will say that you paid into the system and expect a return. I will say that you got suckered into the system and you pray for a return. When the government is providing, there is nothing guaranteed. Look at the state of California, one of the most socialized states in the union is handing out IOU's for income tax returns and somehow you are to use these to pay for tangible goods. This is absolutely ludicrous!!

“The British Fabian Socialist saw early the immense value of social reform for accustoming the citizens to looking to the State for the correction of all their ills. They saw that welfare agitation could be made the vehicle for importing Socialist ideas into the minds of the common man. Max Beer said: "There was no reason for Socialists to wait for the revolution. The realization of socialism had begun from the moment when the State became accessible to social reform ideas.” --John T. Flynn, The Road Ahead
Americans once were fiercely independent and would never consider running to the government to solve their problems. Today we are a sad lot of whinny cry babies looking for someone to hand out free pacifiers. Are we devoid of pride and lacking in spirit and ability? Americans today are easily offended, and with the drop of a hat will petition governmental officials to squelch someone else's free speech. How can you live with yourselves? I guess you don't notice all of this as most of you are in super consumption mode trying to keep up with your neighbors.

“We will have something called “X”, which is displacing the system of free enterprise, all over the world. If we do not yet know what to call it, we can at least describe its major characteristics. They include, in most countries:

1. A strong, centralized government.
2. An executive arm growing at the expense of the legislative and judicial arms. In some countries, power is consolidated in a dictator, issuing decrees.
3. The control of banking, credit and security exchanges by the government.
4. The underwriting of employment by the government, either through armaments or public works.
5. The underwriting of social security by the government - old-age pensions, mothers' pensions, unemployment insurance, and the like.
6. The underwriting of food, housing, and medical care, by the government.
7. The use of deficit spending to finance these underwritings.
8. The abandonment of gold in favor of managed currencies.
9. The control of foreign trade by the government.
10. The control of natural resources.
11. The control of energy sources.
12. The control of transportation.
13. The control of agricultural production.
14. The control of labor organizations.
15. The enlistment of young men and women in youth corps devoted to health, discipline, community service and ideologies consistent with those of the authorities.
16. Heavy taxation, with special emphasis on the estates and incomes of the rich.
17. Control of industry without ownership.
18. State control of communications and propaganda.” --Stuart Chase, The Road We Are Traveling
Even an animal knows their priorities as they are instinctive, common sense would suggest that we don't want to be at the mercy of glorified bureaucrats trying to bring about some Utopian pipe dream. They are well on their way as the governments around the globe have taken over private industries for the sake of stabilizing the economy. I don't believe in social welfare or corporate welfare. Either you are a pig at the trough or you are not.

“Another project now under heavy pressure by the Socialist Planners is socialized medicine. It is, of course, not called socialized medicine, but health insurance. The plan came, ostensibly, out of the Federal Security Agency from Mr. Oscar R. Ewing, its head. It calls for an increase, with federal aid, of the number of hospitals, doctors and nurses and dentists, along with what he calls compulsory health insurance. This is a plan similar to the one now operating in Britain under its Socialist government. Under it all employers and their employees would be taxed at the payroll window, as in the case of old-age pensions and unemployment insurance, for medical care. The proponents of this scheme had the effrontery to call it "free medical care." Of course it is not. It will be paid for by taxes which will come out of everyone's pocket. This would mean, of course, that, as in England, the patient would choose his doctor, but the doctors would be paid by the government and would be under its general management. The system is now on trial in England. It is by every standard of judgment a ghastly failure.” --John T. Flynn, The Road Ahead
“These Englishmen believed that if socialism was to be brought to England it would have to be done gradually and not by violent revolutionary means. They decided they would make the attempt through political methods. They adopted the policy of the Roman general, Quintus Fabius, who held the only way to defeat Hannibal was to avoid a general engagement and by clever withdrawals lure him to battle in small sectors and defeat him in sections. Hence they called the movement the Fabian movement. Their strategy as well as their program became known as Fabian Socialism.”--John T. Flynn, The Road Ahead

Uncle Sam will be your god if this madness continues, from cradle to grave he will oversee and supervise your life and any private activities. If you aren't productive enough Uncle Sam may force you to do manual labor to keep receiving your monthly stipend. If you are lucky enough to get offered a job in the 'new economy' you may have to go through Homeland Security screening. Do you see where this is going? Government intrusion in our lives and business is at an all time high and they aren't stopping anytime soon.

“Do you believe in emergency services like police, fire, paramedics, military? Emergency services are forms of socialism.

Do you believe in epidemic prevention infrastructures like sewers, garbage removal, water purification, etc? Public health strategies are forms of socialism.

Do you believe in the importance of transportation infrastructure, such as properly maintained roadways, public transportation, and air traffic control? Transportation infrastructure maintenance is a form of socialism.

Do you believe in insurance? Yes, even health insurance, and in fact all insurance, is a form of socialism. Why? Because it spreads costs evenly among everyone in an insurance category even though each individual uses uneven amounts of their health coverage.” --David Gruder
At this stage in our economy more and more Americans are looking for hand outs. With the massive deluge of legislation and regulations they are destroying any chances for real entrepreneurial opportunities. You need a license for this and zoning laws keeping you from doing that, then all roads lead to Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam plays favorites and allows certain businesses to create giant monopolies and while watching small businesses wither and die. Your Ole uncle is more than happy to put you on the dole because he has you under control. If Uncle Sam decides to pull the frayed safety net from underneath you, what do you have left? When charity is given from friend to friend, neighbor to neighbor it is a blessing.

“Socialism is commonly defined as government ownership of the means of production. With the exception of a number of services that are viewed as natural monopolies, such as sewer and water supplies, socialism in the form of government ownership has never achieved prominence in the United States. Instead, governments here have relied on regulation as a way of obtaining the same goals that socialists claim to seek: efficiency, equality, and control of externalities. If this approach is socialism, then urban planning has represented creeping socialism since around 1920. But it has recently accelerated and is now running rather than creeping. Moreover, it has such a head start that lovers of freedom may not be able to halt it, much less turn it around.” --Randal O'Toole, Is Urban Planning “Creeping Socialism”
If you are enjoying your subsidies, public transportation, public education, and all that government gives then you are a socialist. Irregardless of your left/right politics socialism prevails. Liberals, Progressives, and Conservatives all want to give your money to someone else. Why are you giving it to them in the first place? It doesn't matter if your tax dollars go to the 'Octomom' or to General Motors it is still socialism. It is time to take a long look in the mirror and a long look at those who are exploiting you for personal gain, but please don't kill the messenger as the message is vital.

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Socialized America: Gluttonous Hogs Suckling At The Teat of Government Vide
PostSubject: Re: Socialized America: Gluttonous Hogs Suckling At The Teat of Government   Socialized America: Gluttonous Hogs Suckling At The Teat of Government Icon_minitimeMon Jan 03, 2011 11:08 pm

CovOps wrote:
Do you believe in insurance? Yes, even health insurance, and in fact all insurance, is a form of socialism. Why? Because it spreads costs evenly among everyone in an insurance category even though each individual uses uneven amounts of their health coverage.
Bullshit!!! Oh man

That's a purely voluntary transaction!!! With all terms and conditions agreed upon by the contracting parties!!!

Socialism is compulsory association!!!

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