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 The flickering light of China's legal reform

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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The flickering light of China's legal reform Vide
PostSubject: The flickering light of China's legal reform   The flickering light of China's legal reform Icon_minitimeTue Dec 07, 2010 1:32 am

A year ago I showed one of the doyens of China's civil rights lawyers, Mo Shaoping, a back copy of Hong Kong's Asia Week magazine. He was one of 14 of China's leading lawyers pictured on its cover. "They fully deserve to be Asia Week's 'People of the Year' because in 2005 they have brought dazzling light to institutional reform," the inside story said.

Between that article, in 2005, and my conversation with Mo, in November 2009, the careers of 11 of the 14 featured lawyers had run into serious trouble. One of them, Gao Zhisheng, publicly wrote about how he had been badly tortured. He has now "been disappeared" for most of the past two years.
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A few of the 14 lawyers got together that night to reminisce. "Now it's only me, Pu Zhiqiang and Fan Yafeng," Mo said. "The others are either in jail or have had their licences removed."

Law, politics and corruption are tangled so tightly together in China that it is impossible to invest faith in any given legal outcome. Criminal proceedings are commonly used as leverage in commercial disputes.

This is a growing problem for foreign businesses and especially their ethnic Chinese executives, such as Australian Matthew Ng, who has been arrested for "embezzlement" in Guangzhou in the context of a dispute with a locally powerful state-owned firm.

But it is an everyday migraine for home-grown entrepreneurs. There are so many laws and regulations in China it is nigh impossible to avoid bending some of them.

These rules are designed to be sufficiently ambiguous to place huge administrative discretion in the hands of officials. They can be bent at a price or avoided at some risk. And that's where entrepreneurs are expected to discretely bribe their way to opportunities and insurance in case things go wrong.

The standard way of ensuring that the legal system works for you, rather than against you, is to lubricate relations with and between lawyers, prosecutors and judges. This requires intricate "guanxi" relationships and expensive and often incredibly indirect and complex transactions.

If your business is big, you need to make your favours big and send them higher up the tree. Then you risk becoming a pawn in larger political games, as with Huang Guangyu, the founder of Gome Electronics and formerly China's richest man, whose protection payments extended at least as high as the Vice Minister for Public Security. Decisions in China are made in favour of power or money, and typically both.

This is the system of crony Communist Party justice that the 14 "People of the Year" have challenged by introducing professional legal ethics and practices. But their "dazzling light" of legal reform in China is receding over the horizon.

Pu, Fan and Mo have all recently run into trouble, particularly because of their relationship with the detained Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo.

Mo says he has been gagged and prevented from leaving the country and Professor Fan has been harassed and manhandled.

Pu, detained at an impromptu celebration banquet on the night of Liu's prize, says it is "not convenient" to talk about Liu. I asked him whether China's commercial law system had advanced in recent years even while the "rights protection" movement had been punished.

He said China's laws and regulations were getting better and more integrated with international best practice but government interference was getting worse. "The problem is a lack of social trust," he said, citing chronic fraud on investors, manipulation by regulators and the case of Huang. "China's judicial reforms are going backwards."

The extraordinary thing about each of the 14 "dazzling lights" is that none appears to have lost the belief in the cause of building a decent justice system, despite the incentives dangled in front of them and punishments meted out.

They are keeping alive the dream of a decent Chinese legal system.

When Pu was released from detention he immediately tweeted how a certain public security officer had accused him of being "a damn f---ing traitor to your motherland" for accepting foreign media interviews, as Liu did. Pu tweeted that he had replied in kind.

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