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 OZschwitz gulag: Footage shows batons used by barbarian poLICE in deadly assault on innocents

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz gulag: Footage shows batons used by barbarian poLICE in deadly assault on innocents Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz gulag: Footage shows batons used by barbarian poLICE in deadly assault on innocents   OZschwitz gulag: Footage shows batons used by barbarian poLICE in deadly assault on innocents Icon_minitimeWed Oct 13, 2010 2:51 am

Mobile phone footage taken the night a man died during a melee with police at the St George Leagues Club shows a man, believed to be the dead man, being struck with a baton while he was on his knees.

The video, obtained exclusively by the Herald, is the first publicly released footage of the incident and was captured by a witness on her phone in the outdoor smoking area of the club the same night a Dragons fan, Steven Bosevski, died.

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OZschwitz gulag: Footage shows batons used by barbarian poLICE in deadly assault on innocents

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